Its full description can be found in the Player’s Handbook on page 149. The light crossbow in the 5 th edition of D&D is a simple ranged weapon that deals 1d8 piercing damage, is worth 25 gp, and weighs 5 lbs.

Continue reading our Light Crossbow 5e Guide to find out everything you need to know about the Light Crossbow. If you are a caster who is proficient in simple weapons and looking for a ranged weapon to defend yourself, this might be the weapon for you. Simple weapons, on the other hand, can be proficiently used by a wider demographic. See, those who are proficient with martial weapons are only a select few they are those who have experienced being on the battlefield with their blades such as soldiers, warriors, and the like. It is a fairly good weapon to use because it is a simple weapon. There is a simple solution for that using a simple weapon, which is the light crossbow. What if all your casters in the party have run out of spell slots? What would you do? However, your party does not always have access to spells. What if you and your enemy are divided by a large chasm that you cannot cross? Or what if your target is surrounded by flames that could damage you severely? When you think outside the usual combat routine, the answer to this dilemma would be to use ranged attacks such as ranged weapons and spells. It will not always be about getting near them to get a hit. For example, in combat, there are times when we have to stay away from our enemies. If the game would always keep throwing you the same stuff that you have been dealing with already, it could become stale for everyone playing. In a game of D&D, there are always situations wherein you need to be creative or think outside the box.