Not helping was the clunky pacing of the episode. As it stands, much of this episode felt like filler every time the focus was squarely on these two. I could have more to say about how Sasha reacts every time Abraham gets a shout out. In a better show, I’d care more about the looks Maggie gives when focusing on the watch given to Glenn by her father. Because The Walking Dead is a show that now seems happier to shock us in the moment with these kinds of events, the lasting impact has been minimized. It once again stems back to the season premiere and how this show mishandles the use of major character deaths. Seemingly more important is the story between Maggie and Sasha, but here’s the thing, I wasn’t really buying their drama. It is enough to know where these two are coming from and why they go the routes they do by the episode’s end. It’s the B-plot of the episode, but you get a few good character beats between the two. Meanwhile, Carl catches Enid leaving and eventually goes after her. There is only one scene involving Alexandria this week and it features Rick and Aaron not convincing Michonne to come along with them for a scavenger hunt. Let’s get that Carl stuff out of the way. All of that and we even got to see Coral Carl go roller skating with his girlfriend. More specifically, getting a better understanding of who controls the Hilltop. The other thing is getting to understand the Hilltop a bit better.

Part of it is being away from Negan, yet still seeing his menace in the form of someone who is actually scary to watch. It has an issue concerning its pacing and how much emotional resonance I should have for a few characters involved, but the episode works for other reasons.

After torturing Daryl and continuing to see Rick suffer, “ Go Getters” is a Walking Dead episode that felt a little bit lighter on its feet.